Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Some excuses I have heard lately
- "One of our employees has met with an accident. But we'll definitely deliver by next week"
- "Sent you three emails, but never heard back from you"
- "The person who does this had to visit his village"
- "Have too much work come up. I promise this will be done by tomorrow"
- "Have a friend's wedding to go to"
Heard any lately?
In a country of more than a billion people, getting work done from people is still the most challenging task. What's wrong with us?
Monday, February 25, 2008
Whisper of Mouth?
Some are pushy ones - like a person using a "Tell a friend" feature. Its like selling Amway products, more like "Spam an Enemy". All social networks are guilty of these.
Next up are sneaky ones - seemingly innocent but highly disgusting. Most photo sites are guilty of these - "Sign up to see your friend's pictures". The user invites a friend to see photos and you gotta sign up to just see them (and in turn give them permission to spam you for the rest of your email life). Facebook apps, Plaxo's spam - are all great examples. Its like inviting a friend to your wedding and charging a cover fee at the door. No shit! The sad thing is, they work... but are laden with risks.
Next up are actual word of mouths. Its the "real" deal. A user loves your product, talks about it, endorses it and almost sells it for you. Everyone wants a word like this, but they are inherently risky. Users hype up the expectations and the friend can only be disappointed. Ever got a movie recommendation that was just not as good as it was hyped up to be?
And the last ones are "whispers" - these are not active referrals. In fact they aren't referrals at all. You just see your friend using it and love it. The iPod is a classic example. Blogs are another. Evite, FirstPhera, your new shoes, your shirt, your car - are all great examples.
While building a product, don't go for the bang. Try get the whispers!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Contextual Ad Messages

Saw this ad-banner on contentsutra yesterday (Feb 20).
Contextual Ad Messages work awesome, and a targeted message displayed at the right time and the right place can work magnitudes of time better than generic ones. Context could be anything - spatial, time-driven, user-driven or topic-driven.
But they are equally risky. Contexts are, by definition, niches and do not scale. Especially time-driven ones, they die down quickly and an ad that made so much sense yesterday makes no sense today - like this one. Apparently, they had the time to do a special creative for Republic Day, but no time to replace it later with the regular one.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Customers are Babies
I was reading a feedback email from one of our users saying "Great going guys!Keep up the good work.....", which evidently drew a smile from me. Right next to me was my sister-in-law teaching her toddler how to say "thanks" and smiling victoriously when he finally said it.
Managing a 6 month old startup and seeing my 2 year old nephew grow up right next door, I can't help but compare my experiences with my brother's. Sometimes we both wonder what they will just "grow up" and pay back. Customers and babies. it seems to me, are remarkably similar in their behavior and our expectations from them.
To state a few similarities...
1. Regardless of what you do, babies cry - customers do too
2. Babies are demaning, they want to be taken care of all the time. They think they are doing us a favor by letting us take care of them. Same with customers. Of course, we suck it up - because longer term, we think it'll pay off
3. Both are influenced by their peers more than their parents or vendors
4. Both are tired of what they have and love what the next door neighbor has
5. They take a loooooong time to pay back. Treat them well, give them the best (whether its education or product experience) and they'll treat you back well
6. They are gullible. Teach them a way to do things and they'll hate to change it
7. They are weird. You think you understand them and know what they want, but it's hardly right.
8. A smile from your baby, a 'thank you' from your customer - both worth a full-day's worth of work
And now, a few things we do with our babies, but probably not to our customers...
- We never knowingly misguide our babies
- We recognize that sending kids to work instead of school when they are young is only a short-term win and a huge long-term loss.
- Within the resources available, we try out utmost best to provide the best to our kids
- We absolutely love our babies. We think they belong to us and protect them from others
- Finally, our ultimate goal is to make our kid successful when it grows up.
We make our customers successful, good things will follow...
Saturday, February 16, 2008
What's your last name? 16D?
Well, unless you actually live on the plane, why bother? Who wants a notebook up there anyway?
I travel a lot and see far more people sleeping, reading, listening to music or watching a movie than using a laptop. If a laptop was really that important - why don't we demand a shape that fits in the tiny tiny air space between you and the front seat back or a motion resitant keypad that lets you type in peace even where there's turbulence.
How silly would it be to judge a book positively only because it was exactly 150 pages thick making it just enough to fit in a 5-hour flight?
Its a stupid obsession which hopefully will become irrelevant once all airlines add power outlets to their seats. Then, I suppose, we'll debate which notebook offers short & thin aircraft friendly power chords.
Its not a website, damn it!
This distinction might be minor and probably unimportant to most, but it's perhaps the most important thing for the entrepreneur to understand. What is it about "websites" like google.com, yahoo.com or craigslist.com that unequivocably classifies them as a business vs others that are just websites.
My first thought was, well, Business = Website + lots of Revenue
Easy. But this seemed too simplistic - lots of websites have revenues these days, thanks to adsense, and yet, it does not tell an entrepreneur what needs to happen to become a business. This formula could easily be construed as turning on advertising on a website site and resting in peace. Nope, that wouldn't work.
A business needs to keep churning revenues over the longer term.. something differentiated... something sustainable. I suppose a better equation would be -
Business = Website + lots of Revenue + sustainable competitive advantage
That's better - if you have revenue and if your spare parts running the machine are better, you should produce more and last more.
But, where does the advantage come from? I wanted a formula to turn my website into a business. And this doesn't tell me that. So, I broke competitive advantage further down into the core components of the business
Business = Website + lots of Revenue + [better product + greater customers + better distribution]
This feels much better. Its suggests - you ought to have one of
a) Better product - either better quality, wider range or lower costs
b) Greater number of customers - your customer acquisition needs to be cheaper than your competitors - whether its because your uncle works at a major broadcasting channel or you have kickass strategic partnerships
c) Better distribution - need to be better than others at getting your products into the hands of your customers
Do this, and do it right for a few years and ultimately it'll become a brand
Ultimately, a kickass business is one that is a
Brand + Website + lots of Revenue + better product + greater customers + better distribution
What's your formula?
Friday, February 15, 2008
When P<>NP is good
Now, as it comes to marketing, I dread situations where P=NP. Now, I do want the problem to explode, to reach a tipping point.
I had thought I had solved the equality problem. The quest continues...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
When "Free" is too cheap
Unless of course, there is emotion involved. Imagine gifting a free rose to your valentine. Or buying a cheap discounted engagement ring for your spouse. Or framing a 25-year old wedding photo of your parents on a used frame and gifting them on their 25th anniversary. These are, supposedly, precious occassions and they command unprecedented prices.
We recently got an email from a guy who wanted to gift a wedding website to his sister as a present. I asked him to just go online and build it for her. When I mentioned its free, he got turned off. Despite the fact that he'd have to spend a good few hours putting her stories and pictures and building "emotion" in the site, the "free" stuff was an overwhelming turn-off. I offered him that we'll design it for him for Rs. 2000. He loved it - and paid up instantly!
Same stuff, same underlying value. But just because its paid for, it just "feels" precious.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Generation Gap
Well, good luck.
I am 31, and am probably going through the worst identity crisis - I neither belong to the young, cool and hip school & college-going generation, neither am I a responsible, "mature" and boring adult, yet. I do not understand why my 20 year old brother loves Abercrombie, and I really do not understand what my 12-year old niece does on myspace and giggles all day about while chatting with her friends.
And now it dawns on me that the speed at which the world is moving, the generation gap is only going to get larger over time.
Which means that entrepreneurs have to try harder. Most businesses start off, because an entrepreneur was frustrated with a problem he/she was having and decided to fix it with their own business. Over time, the problem did get solved, but the entrepreneur slowly graduates to a different "phase of life", however the user generation does not. And there-in starts the generation gap - between the business and the users. Newer problems surface for the users and its time for another business to startup and fix it.
The key to stay successful is to try and pretend to be your user's generation as much as you can. And if you simply suck at it - just hire someone who can understand the user better & trust that person.
The world changes, the problems change, and your solution ought to adapt the faster than your competitors.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Wedding Website at FirstPhera = "Cool"
In his latest post, Seth talks about how the brilliance of marketing is in associating your product with a desirable attribute, such as fun, respect, success, kindness or hope. That, the marketers do so all the time, is no surprise. All you need to do is look at the tag line all brands sport. Ex. Buying travel from Hotwire = "Smart", buying quizzes for your kids = "intellectual", Macdonalds = "fun".
To be clear, these associations are fabricated by the marketer, but they are vital; since it presents the product to the consumers in a language they understand. The genius of marketing is when these associations become "facts".
And perhaps no industry is more ripe with false "facts" than the Indian Wedding Industry.
Photography? Of course, we need a 1000 photos and a 12-hour video. Its "memorable"
Food? Oh Yeah... we need mexican, italian, punjabi, chinese and 16 different types of soups. It befits our "status"
Engagement Ring? Nothing smaller than a 1.5 carat diamond would do. I just "love" her so much...
Honeymoon? Has to be at least 5000 miles away, its "romantic"
The value of a wedding website is hard to convey, and it was clear the first time I talked to my dad about it. So we needed an abstract to associate ourselves with. The question was - what is it?
Wedding Website is a "smart" thing to do since it replaces invitations and saves money?
Wedding Website is a "fun" thing to do since you get to share stories and pictures almost like your wedding is already there.
Wedding Website is a "cool" thing to do since it's different and very few are doing it this way.
We opted for "cool". What do you think? Feel right?
Friday, February 08, 2008
Profiting from the default? Risky proposition...
Here's what I got instead -

The top result is a "Google Books" (not linked intentionally) page. Not only is it not presented as an advertisement (which is what it is), but its presented much more neatly than the Amazon search result.
Google Books has a page rank of 8, Amazon has 9. Amazon had 40 customer reviews of this book and searchable pages. Google has none of this - and yet, it deserves to be the "default result"?
The primary reason why Google has been such a success is because it played right with the smart users, the "mavens" as the Tipping Point calls them, and their word of mouth helped its exponential growth. Microsoft, on the other hand, profited immensely from the lazier lesser mortals who accepted the "default" - be it the default browser or the default word processor and didn't bother to give its competing products a look.
Sure, it works, as long as you believe the world is ignorant. Unfortunately, it isn't, and bad publicity spreads faster than good. Beware!
Are the default options in your product driven by your needs or your consumer's?
Thursday, February 07, 2008
The world of logos
1) Must be exquisite - like a bride wants her wedding to be
2) Be imperfect - there should be something (invisibly) wrong with the logo, to invoke curiousness
3) Be different - yawn... everyone says that!
4) The brand name and the icon must be integrated, i.e. if my competitor swapped our icon into its brand name, it should look broken. Classic example - Apple
5) The icon must convey weddings
6) Keep it fluid. We'll never get it right the first time
Next, I gave her my personal favorites - '

And what emerged, thanks to her creative brilliance -

Curious, deep meaning and yet fluid. I could change the colors of the icon where ever I want. The stylized yellow element on the right part of the icon represents "f " and "p" - so it'd not fit anyone else and it also represents a "heart". Finally, the two faces on the left (yes, its two, not one :) - stands for a couple wedded together.
What do you think?
Monday, February 04, 2008
Microsoft Weds Yahoo